20 November 2008


in case you have been in a black-hole over the past week, or in st lucia [stephanie and mike, you are exempt], you know about the 24/7 shenanigans of awesomeness being dropped by the mammoth men. well, we are still on the road...

thus far, we have successfully hit the strip, blasted our ghats in colorado, discovered the tomb of stone henge, rocked out some chonies & socks football, and given the photo world a lesson in science.

at this point in time, we are chilling in las cruces, new mexico with tomorrow's plans for taking over a small town or two, between here and phoenix. so make sure to keep checking back at www.mammothmen.com for the unveiling of our story.

and as a heads up, the giveaways tomorrow are going to be extra insane, so it would definitely be worth your time to stop by and say hey.



  1. you are awesome.
    i want more pictures from carlie to see what she's doing while you're gone. i have a fear that skitch has taken her over.

  2. haha!! skitch is quite fun!! i wish i had some fun pictures to share you you but in all honesty, all i did this week was read, work, eat, not wash my hair or shave my legs. i dont think you really want to see that! :)

  3. Really cool composition, I like the feeling of depth and wrap around lighting in this image.
